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Procedure for release of fund regarding State Govt contribution in excess of the proportionate State share
| 6th Sep, 2022
Revised procedure for flow of funds under Centrally Sponsored Schemes Rollout of Head Mapping functionality-reg.
| 1st Sep, 2022
Matters relating to Centrally Sponsored Scheme
Office Memorandum- Credit Interest Earned
| 31st Aug, 2022
Matters relating to Bank/Govt. Account
OM Crediting of interest earned by Deptts Bank Account
| 31st Aug, 2022
Matters relating to Bank/Govt. Account
| 5th Jul, 2022
OM on opening of Saving Bank Account and Interest regarding
| 1st Jul, 2022
Matters relating to Bank/Govt. Account
Revokation of Austerity Measure imposed on Regularization PE&Contract Emp
| 28th Jun, 2022
Austerity Measures
IFMIS OM reg Deposit I-V
IFMIS OM reg Deposit I-V | 28th Jun, 2022
Opeing of New District Treasury with IFMIS Regarding
| 23rd Jun, 2022
| 21st Jun, 2022
IFMIS OM reg Salary Bill
IFMIS OM reg Salary Bill | 13th Jun, 2022
Relaxation of Passing of GPF bill through IFMIS
| 3rd Jun, 2022
Matters relating to Gratuity, insurance, GPF
submission of monthly accounts for cheque drawing departments
submission of monthly accounts for cheque drawing departments | 1st Jun, 2022
Reduction of the number of instalment of Professional Tax
Reduction of the number of instalment of Professional Tax | 1st Jun, 2022
OM on Mizoram Resource Mobilisation Commtt
| 24th May, 2022
Resource Mobilization
Saving account OM for compliance
| 23rd May, 2022
Matters relating to Bank/Govt. Account
Guidelines for Outsourcing of Manpower, '22
Guidelines for Outsourcing of Manpower, '22 | 10th May, 2022
Outsourcing of Man Power
RTI appointment dt. 20.04.2022
| 20th Apr, 2022
Powers for execution of works by non-works deptt having technical personnel
| 19th Apr, 2022
Remittance of interest earned to State Government for Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS)
| 1st Apr, 2022
Matters relating to Bank/Govt. Account
Relaxation of Austerity Measures Contract & MR 2022
Relaxation of Austerity Measures Contract & MR | 28th Mar, 2022
Austerity Measures
Re-appropriation of Funds and Surrender of Saving Statement in respect of Budget Grants for 2022-23
| 23rd Mar, 2022
Matters relating to Budget
Budget Grants for the year 2022-23
| 15th Mar, 2022
Matters relating to Budget
Re-appropiration of funds and surrender of savings statement in respect of Budget Grants for 2021-22
| 15th Mar, 2022
Matters relating to Budget
OM on opening of SB Account
OM on opening of SB Account | 28th Feb, 2022
Matters relating to Bank/Govt. Account